The Mission Catalogue is a fully searchable, integrated information environment that gives its users the facility for stand-alone information management with connectivity to the changing operational profile.
Where operational security allows, the Mission Catalogue can be physically deployed to the operational domain.
If the risk of data loss or capture by unauthorised parties is critical, the Mission Catalogue can be located at HQ alongside, but insulated from, the Situational Warehouse to prevent un-authenticated or unauthorised access to the complete Situational Warehouse.
The currency of the operating picture is maintained in the Mission Catalogue and is implemented using secure messaging access channels. This is achieved by advanced hardware-based data compression devices and Openkast's gisting, prioritisation and forwarding facilities.
The Mission Catalogue is the subset of all available data that is relevant to the operational domain and is linked to and updated from the
Situational Warehouse.
The Openkast Mission Catalogue also contains open source information from Openkast partners that is integrated with the data from the organisations enterprise. These partners are world class information sources such as Janes Information Group, Lloyd's Register Fairplay as well as relevant sections of Wikipedia to name a few. This allows the disadvantaged platform to have access to a wealth of reference materials when browsing the internet is not an option.